With 25,000 acres of land open to deer hunting, St. Catherine Creek NWR is one of the largest and most successful public hunting areas in southwest Mississippi. Adjacent to the Mississippi River, the refuge has a good population of deer, which can be pursued during general-access archery and muzzleloader seasons. Feral hogs may be taken during any deer season. Hunters with disabilities may use two designated blinds during the archery and muzzleloader seasons, as well as during a special firearms hunt. The blinds are situated by plots planted with grasses to attract deer. Disabled and youth hunters may also participate in turkey hunts on the refuge. A general-access waterfowl hunt is held Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays during the state season. Hunters may hunt on Gilliard, Salt and Butler lakes until noon. Finding a good hunting spot can be difficult due to the area's popularity.
Please refer to current Refuge regulations and map for additional information. A Current Public Use Permit is required for access if you are participating in consumptive use such as but not limited to, hunting and angling. Click here to purchase or obtain your permit. For help with log-in or creating your account for purchasing or obtaining an annual public use permit please watch the video instructions.