A woman with a braid in her hair looking through binoculars at a scrubby landscape

Tundra swans, snow geese, and ducks, as well as a variety of other birds and animals can be seen at Mackay Island. The Kuralt Trail observation site, an elevated platform equipped with spotting scopes, provides an excellent view of the Great Marsh. During the fall and winter, tundra swans, ducks, and large concentrations of snow geese congregate in the ponds south of this site. Mackay Island Road is also accessible year-round from SR 615 to the dike gate, offering glimpses of wildlife and their various habitats. Between March 15 and October 15, birders can walk or bike around the refuge impoundments past the gate at the end of Mackay Island Road, providing access to extensive marsh, pools, and forests.  

Special "Open Roads Day" events are held throughout the year where visitors may drive the dike and trail system around the refuge impoundments to view wildlife. These are publicized in advance through local media.