Habitat restoration, Resilience and risk mitigation

The Pocomoke River Project is a long term initiative to reconnect the river channel to its floodplain along the river’s main stem and many of the river’s tributaries. In the 1940s extensive channelization straightened the river and left an artificial levee 3 to 12 feet high along both river banks. The levee restricts the natural flow of floodwaters in and out of the Pocomoke’s forested floodplain. During restoration, spoil is removed from sections of the levee to allow water to naturally enter and exit the floodplain. Restoring hydrology reduces nutrient and sediment runoff downstream for the benefit of fish and restores wetland habitat for the American black duck, wood duck, wading birds, and forest interior birds. Flood storage capacity is also increased, reducing downstream flooding. To date, 109 breaches have been constructed on 30 different properties with cooperation from 21 private landowners. This has resulted in reconnecting 3,000 acres of hardwood and bald cypress floodplain forests to the Pocomoke River. See how partners are working together to reconnect the Pocomoke River to its floodplain.