An adult Boreal Toad

Boreal Toad Recovery

The boreal toad is listed as a Colorado state threatened species. Chyrid fungus causes an infectious disease that affects amphibian species worldwide and has reduced boreal toad populations across its range. Colorado Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office staff assists Colorado Parks and Wildlife with boreal toad breeding surveys and tadpole re-introduction around the state. Toad eggs are collected from breeding sites in early summer and raised in the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Native Species Research Facility to the tadpole and toadlet stage. They are released at selected sites across the state to re-establish historic breeding sites.

Our staff attends the annual Boreal Toad Recovery Team meeting. Topics discussed include further spread of chytrid fungus and reduced population numbers range wide. However, promising research on chytrid resistance and chytrid-specific bacteria that fights off the fungus may help stabilize populations in the future.

Learn more about boreal toad recovery here!



Juvenile Northern Pike in aquarium at Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery, South Dakota
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