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The Sport Fish Restoration program provides funds to fish and wildlife agencies of the states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories for fishery projects, boating access, and aquatic education. It was created in 1950, with the passing of the Sport Fish Restoration Act (a.k.a., the Dingell-Johnson Act). Modeled after the successful Wildlife Restoration Act, the Sport Fish Restoration Act dedicated permanent funding for fishery conservation.
Since the Act was passed, it has generated over $11 billion for the conservation and restoration of sport fish species and their habitats. These funds also support connecting people with nature through outdoor recreational opportunities and aquatic resources education programs.
Revenue comes from manufacturers’ excise taxes on sport fishing equipment, import duties on fishing tackle and pleasure boats, and the portion of the gasoline fuel tax attributable to small engines and motorboats.
- To view or download total unadjusted actual and total inflation adjusted Sport Fish Restoration Apportionments data since 1952 visit our Sport Fish Restoration QuickSight page.
- To view or download data for fishing licenses, holders, and costs by apportionment year visit our Fishing License QuickSight page.