Turnbull NWR Fire Management Plan

Document - application/pdf
Turnbull NWR Fire Management Plan
turnbull-nwr-fire-management-plan.pdf9.75 MB9.75 MB
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A drake redhead on wetland at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge encompasses over 23,000 acres in eastern Washington on the edge of the Columbia River Basin. The Channeled Scablands ecosystem that predominates the Refuge is unique within the National Wildlife Refuge System. Ponderosa pine, wetlands, meadow steppe and riparian...
Media Usage Rights/License
Public Domain
Smoke from a prescribed fire enters the sky.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages fire safely and cost-effectively to improve the condition of lands while reducing the risk of damaging wildfires to surrounding communities. This balanced approach to fire management benefits people and wildlife.
Subject tags
Fire management
FWS and DOI Region(s)