The Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge has planned a Family Fun Day that involves walking to benefit your heath and to promote the health of wildlife. But let's not just put in all the hard work....let's add in some fun too! A 5K walk route will lead you from the refuge visitor center along beautiful vista views of a bay of Kentucky lake, through Britton Ford Trail and back. Sprinkled along the route and at the visitor center will be a host of family friendly activities including live wildlife, games, archery, water quality monitoring, pollinator bingo, wildlife demonstrations, inflatable bounce house, goofy bikes and more! The event is totally free. All walkers will receive water bottle stickers and other prizes. For more information About the Walk for the Wild!
To order your Walk for the Wild T-shirt.
The event will culminate in an astronomy program on the refuge visitor center back patio complete with a warm fire and free s'mores! The Astronomy Program starts at 6:30 pm.