Stair Maintenance Planned for Coquille Point

Stair Maintenance Planned for Coquille Point

The stairs leading down from the Coquille Point parking lot to Bandon Beach will be closed for maintenance during the first week in April.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will replace the concrete steps from April 1 through April 5.  During stair step replacement the south stairs and the parking lot at Coquille Point at 11th Street in Bandon will be closed daily from 8 AM to 5 PM to accommodate heavy equipment and large vehicles. “The stairs at Coquille Point are being replaced because the marine environment has taken a toll on them.  We want to ensure the stairs are replaced before they degrade any further and cause safety issues.” said Refuge Manager David Ledig. Another set of stairs north of the Coquille Point parking lot can be accessed from 8th Street for those wanting to reach the beach during stair maintenance. The Coquille Point headland and the adjacent rocks and islands are part of Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, which provides habitat for coastal and marine wildlife. The point overlooks a series of wilderness islands of every shape and size.  The stairs at Coquille Point provide visitors with access to Bandon Beach where they can connect with nature, explore the beach, get distant views of loafing Harbor Seals, search for rocky intertidal creatures and watch thousands of seabirds when they nest during the summer.  These islands are closed to public entry year-round to protect the seabirds and seals using the islands, as they are extremely sensitive to human disturbance.