Flocks of ducks circling overhead, white-tailed bucks sneaking through thick cover, and alligators lurking at water's edge: Trinity River NWR offers the perfect place for outdoor adventure. The bottomland hardwood forest along the Trinity River provides ideal habitat for game species like duck, white-tailed deer, rabbit and squirrel. Best of all, this is a hunting experience hunters can enjoy with their families. New and seasoned hunters will find classic hunting experiences here, including duck hunting in flooded timber and stand hunting for good-sized bucks in the thick forest.
Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge has five different hunting opportunities (Archery, Upland Game, General Gun, Waterfowl and Muzzleload) on seven different properties throughout our 30,000 acres. Four of our hunting opportunities are handled through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Draw Hunts. They are Archery, Upland Game, General Gun, and Muzzleload.
In addition, our Waterfowl Hunt on Champion Lake is handled through our Headquarters Office at 601 FM 1011 Rd, Liberty, TX 77575. For more information contact our office at 936-336-9786 or email Bonnie Campisi.
If you are a hunter with disabilities, please contact the office to inquire about accommodations.