Waterfowl Production Area

South Dakota has long been known as the pheasant capital of the nation, but waterfowl and deer hunting opportunities also abound on the 38,500 acres of uplands and wetlands in the Madison WMD. In the spring and fall, thousands of migrating snow geese make stops at district wetlands called Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs). And reintroduced to the area in the late 1960's giant Canada geese are common nesters in every part of the District. The WPAs are open to all state seasons and are popular local hunting spots for hunters on foot. No vehicles are allowed. The northeast portion of the WMD (Deuel County) lies within the "Coteau des Prairie" or tall grass prairie region of South Dakota.

Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping are allowed on the District Waterfowl Production Areas (WPA's) in accordance with Federal and State regulations. 

For more information see the South Dakota WPA Public Use Regulations for District-specific regulations and visit South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks for state licenses and regulations.  For additional information on Madison WMD, please contact us.