Hunting is an important wildlife management tool and a healthy, traditional outdoor pastime, deeply rooted in America’s heritage. Hunting can instill a unique understanding and appreciation of wildlife, their behavior, and habitat needs. Designated areas of Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) are open to hunting in accordance with State and Refuge-specific regulations.
Following is a summary of Refuge-specific regulations. Hunters should obtain a copy of the Refuge brochure and map by contacting the Refuge office prior to hunting.
Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuge System lands must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32.)
All shotgun hunters must possess and use only non-toxic shot.
Deer Hunting
The Refuge is open to archery, rifle, and muzzleloader deer hunting according to State seasons.
Use of permanent tree stands or any tree stands that use screw-in tree steps are prohibited. Portable tree stands must be removed by the end of each day.
Use of bait is not allowed.
Fox Hunting
Fox hunting is limited to hunters who possess a valid deer permit and furbearer license.
Waterfowl and Small Game Hunting (Hunters must contact the Refuge Office to obtain a Lake Alice NWR Hunting Map)
Hunting Unit 1 is open for grouse, hare, partridge, pheasant, rabbit, and waterfowl hunting according to State seasons (no early Canada goose season).
Hunting Unit 2 is open for late season grouse, hare, partridge, pheasant, and rabbit hunting following the close of the State rifle deer season.
Waterfowl may not be hunted or retrieved in Hunting Unit 2.
Boats with motors that do not exceed 10 horsepower may be used during the waterfowl hunting season and are restricted to Hunting Unit 1.
Boats, decoys, and blinds must be removed daily.