Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Public Notice

Public Notice

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is preparing Compatibility Determinations (CD) for four public uses within Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.  These uses include Camping, Cabin Use, Non-commercial Forest Products Use and Non-commercial Natural Resource Gathering. These uses were last evaluated in 2007 and were found to be compatible at that time. The Service is currently reevaluating the compatibility of these activities, as required by agency policy (603 FW 2.11 H). Regulations applying to compatibility determinations within Alaska national wildlife refuges are found in 50 CFR 25.21. The Service invites interested persons to make comments on the Draft CD’s as it affects their interest in the area and how they believe continuation of these uses may affect Refuge purposes. 

The Draft CD is available on the following website:


Hard copies are available at the Kenai NWR Headquarters, Ski Hill Road, Soldotna, Alaska.   Comments on the Draft CD must be received by June 23, 2023. Comments may be sent electronically to; by mail to Refuge Manager, Kenai NWR, Soldotna, AK 99669; or by fax to (907) 262-3599 (attention Refuge Manager).

The Final Compatibility Determination associated with this reevaluation will be available after July 15, 2023.  Interested persons may request a copy by contacting the Refuge Manager at the above address, or by phoning the Refuge at (907) 262-7021.  All persons commenting on the CD that provide a current mailing or email address will receive a copy of the Final CD.

Kenai NWR Compatibility Determinations

Final Compatibility Determinations for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.

1. Cabin Use


3. Forest Product Use (noncommercial) 

4.Plant gathering (noncommercial), Non-edible animal parts gathering (noncommercial), Rock collecting (noncommercial), Mineral...