May 2-3, 2012

Annapolis, Maryland

O'Callaghan Annapolis Hotel

174 West Street

Annapolis, MD 21401


This meeting will focus on a wide range of important issues of concern to the ANSTF, including our strategic plan and recreational guidelines, agency budgets, the status of management and control plans, rapid response exercises, and circumpolar invasive species invasive species
An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.

Learn more about invasive species
, just to name a few.


O'Callaghan Annapolis Hotel

Telephone: 410-263-7700 or 866-782-9624 (toll free)

Block Information: A block of rooms has been reserved under "ANS TASK FORCE" for $116.00 plus tax/night. The block will be released on April 1. Note that there will be fees charged for cancellations after April 1.

Parking: Valet parking is provided for $18.00 per night or $5.00 at the Knighton Garage across the street from the hotel.


Airport Shuttle Information

Below are two shuttle options between the airport and hotel for those not renting a car.

General Information about Annapolis

Wednesday, May 2

7:30-8:00 AMRegistration
8:00-8:05 AMWelcome from Co-chairs/Housekeeping

(Jeffrey Underwood, FWS/Peg Brady, NOAA)

8:05-8:15 AM(#1) Self Introductions (name and agency)
8:15-8:45 AM(#2) Adoption of Agenda/Approval of Minutes/Review of Previous Action Items

Action Items from the Washington, DC, meeting
  • Email draft Strategic Plan and timeline to the ANSTF and Panels for review

    (Executive Secretary) (Susan Pasko will discuss tomorrow.)
  • Implement award pilot during National Invasive Species Awareness Week

    (Award Ad Hoc Committee) (Discuss during the NISAW update)
  • Distribute draft Recreational Guidelines to the ANSTF and Panels for review

    (Laura Norcutt will discuss tomorrow)
  • ANSTF/Panels provide input to Mangin on their use and experience with the

    Non-indigenous Aquatic Species Database to draft correspondence to USGS

    documenting the importance of the NAS database (ANSTF/Panels/Susan Mangin)
  • Distribute the National Research Council (NRC) report to the ANSTF (John Darling)
  • Establish an ad hoc committee to address research gaps in the NRC report (John Darling)
  • Develop a national snakehead management and control plan (Laura Norcutt)
  • Post outreach items on the ANSTF website (Susan Mangin)
  • ) Provide Mangin with information relative to fiscal management services for the Panels

    (Karen McDowell and Sarah Whitney)
  • Draft a letter to NISC recommending that NISC work within its membership to address the

    movements of infested boats and the responsibilities of federal agencies to prevent the spread,

    with the goal of decreasing the number of infested boats moving around the nation with emphasis

    on the western United States. (Susan Mangin) (Ask WRP for comments)
  • Develop a national lionfish management and control plan (Lionfish Ad Hoc Committee) (James Ballard)
  • Develop a joint ANSTF/NISC climate change climate change
    Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century humans have had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.

    Learn more about climate change
    ad-hoc committee
8:45-9:15 AM(#3) Informational: Those Big, Bad Crawdads! Vectors, Effects, and Management of Invasive Crayfishes in Maryland

(Jay Kilian, Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
9:15-9:45 AM(#4)  Informational: A Crayfish’s Tale: Determining Orconectes virilis Macrohabitat Preference through Use of

Telemetry in a West Virginia Stream

(Zachary Loughman, West Liberty University)
9:45-10:15 AMBREAK
10:15-10:45 AM(#5)  Informational: Initial Steps toward Nutria Eradication in Virginia

(Scott Klopfer and Michael St. Germain, Virginia Tech)

10:45-11:15 AM(#6) Informational: Stopping the Spread of Nutria on Delmarva

(Steve Kendrot, USDA APHIS)
11:15-11:25 AM(#7) Discussion: GAO Audit

(Stephanie Carman, BLM)
11:25-11:30 AM(#8) Informational: National Invasive Species Awareness Week Update

(Lori Williams, National Invasive Species Council)
11:30-11:55 AM(#9) Informational – NEMESIS National Database

11:55-12:00 PMPublic Comment
12:00-12:30 PMLoad Bus for Field Trip
12:30-4:30 PMLUNCH and FIELD TRIP


Group will depart from hotel, with boxed lunches, for the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC).

SERC staff will provide a tour and discuss issues that they are working on including those related to aquatic

invasive species, climate change and their new LEED certified building project.

4:30-5:00 PMReturn to hotel

Thursday, May 3

7:30-8:00 AMRegistration
8:00-8:30 AM(#10) Decisional: ANSTF Strategic Plan and Operational Plan Ad-hoc Committee

(Susan Pasko, NOAA)

DecisionThe ANSTF approves the 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action Required   __________

DecisionANSTF approves the establishment of an ad-hoc committee to develop the ANSTF operational plan

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action Required   __________
8:30-9:00 AM(#11) Decisional: ANSTF Recreational Guidelines

(Laura Norcutt, FWS)

DecisionThe ANSTF approves the recreational guidelines

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action Required   __________
9:00-9:30 AM(#12) Informational: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives

(Doug Austen, FWS)
9:30-10:00 AM(#13) Informational: Mock Incident Management System-based Rapid Response Exercises

(Bill Bolen, EPA)
10:00-10:10 AM(#14) Informational: National Ocean Policy Update and AIS Issues and ICAIS Conference

(Peg Brady, NOAA)
10:10-10:30 AMBREAK
10:30-12:00 PM(#15) Informational: ANSTF Member Updates (5 minutes each. Please include FY12 and FY13 budget updates

for your organization.)
12:00-1:15 AMLUNCH
1:15-2:00 PM(#16) Informational: Impact of Fish Passage on the Movement of ANS 

(Andrew Struck, Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department/TBD)
2:00-2:30 PM(#17) Informational: Panel Updates (5 minutes/panel)

1:25-1:35 Mid-Atlantic Panel

1:35-1:45 Western Regional Panel

1:45-1:55 Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel

1:55-2:05 Northeast Panel

2:05-2:15 Great Lakes Regional Panel

2:15-2:25 Mississippi River Basin Regional Panel
2:30-3:30 PM(#18) Decisional: Panel Recommendations

(Panels will provide decisional items 1 month before the ANSTF meeting.)
3:30-3:40 PMBREAK
3:40-3:45 PM(#19) Informational: Updating the Evaluation Process for Invasive Species

(Craig Martin, FWS)
3:45-4:15 PM(#20) Informational: iMAP Invasives Tool (TBD)
4:15-4:40 PM(#21) Informational: Circumpolar Invasive Species Strategy (TBD)
4:40-4:45 PM(#22) Informational: Ballast Water Update (TBD)
4:45-4:50 PMPublic Comment
4:50-5:00 PMMeeting Summary
5:00 PMAdjourn