Voluntary Guidelines to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Water Gardening

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Voluntary Guidelines to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Water Gardening

Water gardens, or aquatic gardens, generally are designed to house and display aquatic plants and fish. They range in size from small patio container gardens to large ponds, both natural and human-made. Despite their beauty, water gardens can lead to introductions of invasive plants and animals into natural waterways.

ANSTF-Water-Garden-Steps-092013.pdf34.14 KB34.14 KB
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water background with ANS Task Force three circles with a fish, mussel, and plant
Aquatic Nuisance Species are organisms that produce harmful impacts on aquatic ecosystems or activities or dependent on these ecosystems such as agricultural, aquacultural, or recreation. ANS may occur in freshwater, estuarine, and marine waters and are one of the most significant threats to waters...
Subject tags
Aquatic environment
Aquatic plants
Invasive species