Summer 2023 Stories from the Field

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The cover of a newsletter with an image of a woman holding a salamander and smiling. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is in the top left corner, along with the words "Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office Central and Southern California Coast." A blue box in the bottom left corner says "Stories from the Field Summer 2023 Newsletter. We invite you to read and share our stories about the native and rare wildlife of the southern and central California coast"

We invite you to read the latest edition of "Stories from the Field,” a summer newsletter from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office. Inside you will find stories about the native and rare wildlife of the southern and Central California coast, and the people who to ensure they and their natural habitats remain part of our landscape for years to come.

A sunrise peeking over a field of flowers
Established in 1987, the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office works to conserve and protect threatened and endangered fish, wildlife and plants across the central and southern California coast, collaborating with communities and conservation partners to build a future that supports both people and our...