San Luis NWR Complex Bird List Brochure

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San Luis NWR Complex Bird List Brochure
Bird List Brochure_San Luis NWRC_508_0.pdf9.09 MB9.09 MB
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Three bull tule elk standing in a grassland.
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge encompasses over 26,800 acres of wetlands, riparian woodlands, native grasslands, and vernal pools. Located in California's San Joaquin Valley, the refuge is a major wintering ground and migratory stopover point for large concentrations of waterfowl, shorebirds,...
Flock of snow geese on a wetland.
Merced National Wildlife Refuge encompasses more than 10,200 acres of wetlands, native grasslands, vernal pools, and riparian areas. The refuge hosts the largest wintering concentrations of lesser sandhill cranes and Ross’ geese along the Pacific Flyway. Wildlife are showcased from an auto tour...
Three brown geese with black heads and necks, white cheek patches landing in front of trees in the background.
Established in 1987, the 7,500-acre San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge is located in California's Stanislaus County. The refuge is situated where three major rivers (Tuolumne, Stanislaus and San Joaquin) join in the San Joaquin Valley, creating a mosaic of habitats that provide ideal...