Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Fishing Regulations Brochure.pdf

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Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Fishing Regulations Brochure.pdf

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge has catch-and-release fishing from the first Saturday in April through November 30 daily from sunrise to sunset. The brochure contains general information, license requirements, fee requirements, and a list of fish species.

June 2022_RMA_Fishing_508.pdf475.35 KB475.35 KB
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Four bison walking in the prairie with the Denver skyline in the background
Welcome to Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, it's FREE to visit! Located just 10 miles northeast of downtown Denver, you can step into nature and see the native wildlife that call the Refuge home. Bison, deer, raptors, songbirds, waterfowl, prairie dogs, and coyotes are just a few of...