2022 invasive carp forum slides

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Welcome to the virtual invasive carp forum August 9, 2022

On August 9, 2022, we hosted a virtual forum on invasive carp harvest and product use. This virtual event was convened in response to direction provided by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. We play a lead role in coordinating with state resource agencies, and other partners, to manage invasive carp. This involves making use of a suite of science-based tools and strategies that are aimed to prevent their spread, as well as control existing populations. Commercial harvest, as well as the development of products from harvested fish, are also among these tools and were the focus of discussion at the forum. The virtual forum was attended by 116 participants, with representation from federal, state and provincial agencies, academia, industry and other stakeholders.

2022 Invasive Carp Forum Slide Deck.pdf9.73 MB9.73 MB
Subject tags
Invasive species