Director's Memo: Final Guidance for Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permits Covering Multiple Projects or Project Owners

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Director's Memo: Final Guidance for Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permits Covering Multiple Projects or Project Owners

This memorandum conveys final guidance regarding these issues based on suggestions provided by the Regions to proposed guidance that was transmitted on July 20, 2012. The principles outlined in this guidance also apply to Endangered Species Act permits issued in association with Safe Harbor Agreements and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances; however, the guidance is primarily directed towards the development of Habitat Conservation Plans.

Publication date
Type of document
Director's Order
Close up of a California condor. Its pink featherless head contrasts with its black feathers.
We provide national leadership in the recovery and conservation of our nation's imperiled plant and animal species, working with experts in the scientific community to identify species on the verge of extinction and to build the road to recovery to bring them back. We work with a range of public...
Subject tags
Endangered and/or Threatened species
Habitat conservation