About this Collection

The Draft Land-based Wind Energy Voluntary Avoidance Guidance for the Tricolored Bat (TCB Wind Guidance) is one of the tools the Service is developing in the event that the species is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The TCB Wind Guidance, along with associated supporting documents, includes curtailment strategies (i.e., reduction in electricity generation) at lower wind speeds. The TCB Wind Guidance includes species specific recommendations and is different than the (Draft) NLEB Wind Guidance due to differences in risk.

Note: This guidance only covers avoidance guidance for wind operations and not the potential impacts that may occur during construction or decommissioning.

Tricolored Bat (TCB) Range for Wind Energy Projects

Wind range map to be used when evaluating the impacts of wind projects on TCBs. Local Field Offices will provide further guidance. Click the link to find your local Field Office and contact information.

GIS Files available for download:

TCB Wind Range GIS data layer (zipped file).