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The Interim Consultation Framework (framework) offers a streamlined formal section 7 consultation process that provides take authorization for northern long-eared bat for federal projects through November 30, 2024, and consistent with the 4(d) rule. The framework applies to a wide variety of ongoing projects with a federal nexus (federal permit or funding), such as timber harvest, prescribed fire, and infrastructure projects. For projects where take is likely to occur that meet the requirements of the framework, agencies will fill out a template Biological Assessment form, and Field Offices will provide a completed template Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement in a timely manner. These interim northern long-eared bat tools and guidance will be available for your use until new final tools are issued. The Service shared drafts of these new tools and guidance documents for interested parties to preview in April, 2024.
As part of the framework, the Service is incorporating known locations into the Northern Long-eared Bat Range-wide Determination Key so users can receive automatic concurrence for projects in areas where take is not reasonably certain to occur.