About this Collection
This site serves as an archive for the training webinars, written materials, and videos developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Forest Ecology Working Group (FEWG) and the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC). There are 4 different webinar series archived (see collections listed below). A new webinar series, Managing Forest as Habitat in a Changing World, is currently being offered.
The FEWG is a community of practice for individuals to share forest ecosystem expertise and information. The FEWG was first established in 2016 to enhance the USFWS’s understanding of forest ecology, applied science and habitat management across all levels, programs, and regions of the Service, and with our partner organizations. The FEWG and NCTC sponsor a 4 ½ day field course, Forest Ecology and Management (CSP2110). Other NCTC forest ecology courses are in development. See the NCTC Course Guide for details on all forest ecology training courses.
For more information about the FEWG contact: Amanda_Mahaffey@fws.gov.