Callie Gesmundo

womin in a hat by water
Wildlife Biologist - Landbirds

1011 East Tudor Road, MS 201
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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About Callie Gesmundo

Callie is a Wildlife Biologist for the landbirds section of Migratory Birds in Alaska. Callie implements several projects a year from remote landbird point-count surveys, to migratory species tracking studies. Callie is experienced in surveying and working with all groups of birds and regularly assists other migratory bird programs, including waterfowl, seabirds, and shorebirds. 

In addition to her field pursuits, Callie is currently duel-appointed with the Alaska Office of Communication as a Communications specialist. She is involved in several communications, outreach, and education initiatives and enjoys using her experience in field biology to tell stories, and engage with and teach others.

Outside of work, you will find Callie traveling in search of birds (and street food), or on her couch enjoying a comedy and a hot cup of Bird-friendly Coffee.

Select publications and news articles:

For the Birds – Experience remote Alaska bird surveys and learn about their importance (USFWS ArcGIS StoryMap)

Wandering Warblers: Tiny Migrant Songbirds with Arctic Aspirations (USFWS Alaska Medium Blog)

Abundance and distribution of wintering shorebirds along the Pacific coast of Guatemala (Wader Study)

First record of Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus for Thailand and South-East Asia (BirdingASIA)

Areas of expertise

In The News