Dan Nehler

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About Dan Nehler

Dan began his career with the Service in 1994 as a Fisheries Cooperative Education Student Trainee. As an intern, he worked at the Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office in northern California and the Dworshak Fisheries Complex in central Idaho.

After graduation, Dan was assigned to his first official duty station as a permanent Fisheries Biologist the Arcata office where he joined a team working primarily on the Klamath River Microhabitat Flowstudy Project. While in Arcata, Dan transitioned to the Ecological Services program to work on federal Clean Water Act Section 404 permits. In 1998, he transferred to Headquarters to take a Course Leader position at the newly opened National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia.

In 2001, Dan left NCTC for the Southeast Region to work on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) in south Florida. He would spend the next 10 years fighting environmental battles working on CERP as a Senior Fish and Wildlife Biologist in the Florida Ecological Services field office in Vero Beach, Florida, before returning to NCTC as the Special Assistant to the (second) Director. Dan eventually returned to the West Coast in 2016 to the region and program that originally hired him into the Service. He is currently a Fisheries Supervisor in the Pacific Regional Office Fish and Aquatic Conservation Program in Portland, Oregon.

Dan was born in Portland, Oregon. He attended high school in Vancouver, Washington and graduated from Oregon State University with a dual Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries Science and Business Administration with dual minors in Oceanography and Economics.

His hobbies include watching and participating in sporting activities and doing almost anything outdoors.Dan’s current fascination is sailing!

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