Wetland Losses in the United States, 1780s to 1980s

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Wetland Losses in the United States, 1780s to 1980s

Wetlands are disappearing at a rapid rate. Although measures are actively being sought to stem wetland losses and restore wetland acreage, the rate of wetland conversion over the years has been dramatic. This is the first of two reports to Congress on the status of wetland resources in the United States. This report, a one-time effort, focuses on documenting historical wetland losses that occurred from colonial times through the 1980s. It is a compilation of existing data from a variety of sources.

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Large pool of water surrounded by low tundra grasses under cloud covered sky.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency tasked with providing information to the public on the extent and status of the nation’s wetland and deepwater habitats, as well as changes to these habitats over time.
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