Dave Smith

Photo of Dave Smith
Coordinator, Intermountain West Joint Venture

1001 S. Higgins Ave, Suite A1
Missoula, MT 59801
United States

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About Dave Smith

As one of the Nation’s longest-tenured JV Coordinators, Dave played a key role in the development of the IWJV’s powerful, executive-level Management Board and the business model that has facilitated substantial organizational growth since 2007. Dave brings to the table expertise in working lands habitat conservation from 30 years of experience with the IWJV, a state fish and wildlife agency, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and a nongovernmental conservation organization. Dave spearheaded the IWJV’s efforts in identifying and communicating the value of working irrigated agricultural lands to migratory birds. He spurred development of the IWJV’s Water 4 Initiative, which conserves wet meadows and water for: irrigated agriculture; wildlife and fisheries habitat; groundwater recharge; and landscape resiliency in ways that matter to people. Dave also helped establish the Sage Grouse Initiative Strategic Watershed Action Team and forged a lasting partnership with ConocoPhillips. He holds a B.A. in Wildlife Management from California State University, Chico. Dave and his family live in Missoula, Montana. He loves hunting, fishing, kayaking, and engaging in youth sports with his three kids, Tara, Kyla, and Cole. In 2015, Dave was the recipient of the Gary T. Myers Bird Conservation Award.

Areas of expertise
Partnerships, Conservation delivery, Wetlands and water, Government relations