Charlie Pilkington

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About Charlie Pilkington

Charlie joined the USFWS in July 2023 after serving in the Army for 27 years. Throughout his career, he served in various positions: from Civil Affairs Team Sergeant to Strategic Planner, as well as instructor and doctrine writer at the Army Special Warfare Center and School. He also worked with local, state, and federal agencies during exercises and pre/post-natural disaster response. He holds a graduate degree in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in Intelligence. He was a guest lecturer of strategy and planning complex operations at the Naval Postgraduate School. He also worked with many foreign nations, Non-Governmental Organizations and International Organizations throughout his military career with a focus on pre- and post-conflict, humanitarian, disaster planning and response, and counter terror operations.

Charlie utilized the Department of Defense’s Skill bridge program to intern for 90 days with USFWS. He worked under the Southeastern Ecological Services Regional Office Budget and Administrative Team. During the internship, he focused on budget and special projects for the RO. From this experience, he was offered an Administrative Officer position with the Georgia ES office. Charlie is married to his best friend and God mate, Kara and together they enjoy spending time with family golfing, coaching golf, and watching golf.