2023 St. Marks Summer Science; Fun with Fish

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2023 St. Marks Summer Science; Fun with Fish

Application for the Summer Science; Fun with Fish on June 6, 2023; 9 am to 1 pm

Grades 3-5

Must be received in the refuge office by May 24, 2023

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Remains of old pier at sunset
The St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1931 to provide winter habitat for migratory birds, and is one of the oldest refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System. It encompasses about 86,000 acres in Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties, and includes about 43 miles of north...
Small Pine Island in coastal saltwater marsh
Attention School teachers, Homeschool groups and Scout leaders: Come to the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge for a FREE field trip! You can pick from one of our current education programs or our Environmental Educator can tailor your trip to fit what you are studying in the classroom. Each lesson...
Subject tags
Environmental education