Consultation with the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office
If your project is permitted, funded, or carried out by a federal agency, that agency is ultimately responsible for complying with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). If your project does not involve a federal agency, then it is your responsibility under the ESA to determine if your project would result in take of federally listed species. Our project review process will allow you to determine whether or not federally listed species may be present near your project. The process, however, is not designed to assist you in determining whether your project will result in take of any listed species. If you are concerned that your project might take listed species, please contact the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office (IFWO). For more information see the Service's national consultation web page and Consultation Handbook (PDF).
In order to improve efficiency in project reviews, the IFWO now uses to provide species lists, provide determination keys for some commonly consulted on actions and recommends using IPaC to develop a consultation package for other actions that may affect listed species or their critical habitats. If you are uncertain of what level of consultation you need to complete, please contact the IFWO before starting a consultation package in IPaC at: Instruction for completing a Section 7 consultation or obtaining a species list using IPaC are available at this link.