Public Notification - Soil borings in F&G Street Marsh within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge

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Public Notification - Soil borings in F&G Street Marsh within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Project Description

Geosyntec and their drilling subcontractor will collect soil borings in F&G Street Marsh within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge to further delineate and characterize environmental contaminants within Operable Unit 3. Field work will occur over a three-day period from Tuesday June 20 to Thursday June 22, 2023. The work will occur during the hours of 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.

OU3 PDI Notice AY 06-09-23.pdf86.91 KB86.91 KB
Publication date
Flying avocet surrounded by terns
The San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge protects a rich diversity of endangered, threatened, migratory, and native species and their habitats in the midst of a highly urbanized coastal environment. The Refuge encompasses approximately 2,620 acres of land and water in and around San Diego Bay....