Randy Wilson

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About Randy Wilson

Randy currently serves as Project Leader for the Service’s Migratory Bird Field Station located in Jackson, MS where he provides technical guidance and assistance to a variety of partners (e.g., National Wildlife Refuge and State Wildlife Agency) per bird related issues across Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and west Tennessee.  Randy also works closely with several habitat-based Joint Venture partnerships to develop, implement and monitor bird-habitat conservation plans.  More recently, Randy has provided leadership in the northern Gulf of Mexico related to restoration activities post DWH Oil Spill.  Specifically, he helped stand-up the Gulf of Mexico Avian Monitoring Network and is now deeply invested in offshore wind energy planning.  Prior to his current position, Randy served as Science Coordinator for the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture overseeing the design and implementation of bird conservation plans for the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain geographies.  Prior to joining the Service, Randy worked for U.S. Geological Survey – Patuxent Wildlife Research Center conducting management-based research investigating bird response to forest management and restoration activities in bottomland hardwood forests across the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

Randy earned a B.S. in Wildlife Management from Tennessee Technological University and a M.S. in Ecology from the University of Memphis 

Additional roles
Bird-Habitat Joint Ventures Liaison
National Migratory Bird Program Liaison
Areas of expertise
Bottomland hardwood forest restoration and management;
Landscape design
Bird and habitat monitoring