Rafael Gonzalez (aka Rafa)

Rafael smiling in a green shirt and red baseball cap.
Deputy Assistant Director of Conservation Science and Innovations

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About Rafael Gonzalez (aka Rafa)

Rafael began his professional career as a STEP student with the Restoration Technology Branch with the USGS Leestown Science Center in West Virginia. Rafael has also worked with the Biological Resources Discipline with the USGS in Reston, Virginia and then later in the Forest Landscape Ecology Lab with the Smithsonian Institution Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal Virginia. Rafael earn his Masters degree in Wildlife Ecology from Mississippi State University (MSU). At MSU his research focused on population estimates and landscape ecology of the Puerto Rican nightjar.

He began his career with the Service in 2010 as a Fish and Wildlife Biologist in the Caribbean Ecological Service Field Office, then he was a Grant Manager for WSFR program in the Atlanta Regional Office.Prior to his current position, Rafael worked as Chief of Staff for Florida Ecological Services Field Office.