Mariah Letowt

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About Mariah Letowt

Mariah’s experience with the FWS started with her participation in the Directorate Fellows Program during the summer of 2020 where she worked remotely for the Arlington Ecological Services Office. For her fellowship project, she designed and streamlined an automated audio detector for the recently delisted Black-capped Vireo. While completing her undergraduate degree at Northern Arizona University, she conducted two studies on non-passerine vocalizations and worked in a research lab that focused on rodent vocalization studies. In addition to that work, she has been volunteering at a wildlife rehabilitation facility for the past 11 years and just recently finished an internship at the American Bald Eagle Foundation. Both facilities had avian ambassadors, so she is excited to better understand how the permitting side of acquiring and caring for these birds works. It has always been a dream of Mariah’s to have a career with the FWS, especially with the Migratory Bird Program, and she looks forward to applying her policy skills and continuing to learn more about bird conservation.

Additional roles
Region 4 Point of Contact for 3BB Collisions Team
Areas of expertise
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
Bird collisions and conservation