2023 Outdoor Adventure Day at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery

On October 18th, 200 fourth grade students from Russell County visited the hatchery for a day of activities, learning, and FUN! The annual event is hosted by Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery and The Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Inc.

Community partners present at 10 different stations that students travel through for 20 minute “mini-lessons”. This year students learned about water quality, archery, casting, how fabrics can be made with a spinning wheel, mammals of Kentucky, the life cycle of a fish, water safety, composting, bees, waste management, and birds of prey. We appreciate all our partners that made this event a success including: Kentucky Division of Water, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lake Cumberland Wildlife Refuge, Gunnar’s Bees, Three Springs Fiber Farm, UK Russell County Extension Office, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection.

Some stations provided goodie bags with snacks, swag, and information about their agency while others engaged the kids physically, such as Gunnar's Bees, who had the students imitate the "waggle" dance done to communicate with other bees. Many students asked questions at the end of the mini lessons which presenters were happy to answer. Hopefully, students’ interests were peaked, and they will continue learning about some of the subjects presented on their own!

Special thanks to our volunteers for this event, without dedicated volunteers, we could not plan and implement successful events such as this. Also, thanks to the Russell County teachers/staff for bringing their students down and spending the day with us!

Story Tags

Education outreach
Fish hatcheries
Special events

Recreational Activities