Pam Loring

Wildlife biologist, marine birds
Populations Branch - Wildlife Biologist

Rhode Island Field Office, 50 Bend Rd
Charlestown, RI 02813
United States

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About Pam Loring

BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation, UMass Amherst; MS in Biological and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of RI (Thesis: Phenology and habitat use of scoters along the southern New England continental shelf); PhD in Environmental Conservation, UMass Amherst (Dissertation: Evaluating digital VHF technology to monitor shorebird and seabird use of offshore wind energy areas in the western North Atlantic). USFWS Southern New England-New York Bight Coastal Program (SCEP 2011-2012); USFWS Migratory Birds Program (Pathways 2013-2016; Biologist 2016-Present)

Areas of expertise
Movement ecology
Spatial data analysis
Satellite and radio telemetry
Motus Wildlife Tracking System
Bird banding and tagging

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