Hunting is an important wildlife management tool that we recognize as a healthy, traditional outdoor pastime, deeply rooted in America’s heritage. Hunting can instill a unique understanding and appreciation of wildlife, their behavior, and their habitat needs. As practiced on Refuges, hunting, trapping, and fishing do not pose a threat to wildlife populations, and in some instances are necessary for sound wildlife management.
Visitors to Waubay National Wildlife Refuge find a lot of woodlands, an unusual habitat in eastern South Dakota. These woods provide good habitat for white-tailed deer. The Refuge has an annual deer hunt to help control the deer population and provide an interesting opportunity for hunters. An archery season is offered as a general hunt, and two muzzleloader hunts are issued by drawing. Three islands on the Refuge – ranging in size from 100 to 600 acres – offer a special hunting experience. These islands can be reached only with non-motorized boats.
Muzzleloader deer hunting permits are issued for Waubay National Wildlife Refuge through the South Dakota lottery for special seasons. No other hunting is allowed on the Refuge. For more information contact the Refuge manager or SD Game, Fish & Parks.