Woman dressed warmly in camouflage and standing in marsh reeds aims a shotgun into the air

Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge has some great moose habitat, but that doesn't mean the moose are easy to find. Much of the refuge is covered in water, including shallow lakes, sloughs and meandering streams. Seen from the air, the refuge appears as a gigantic wetland area, with lake after lake stretching across the landscape. Moose benefit from the periodic fires and floods, which encourage new growth that makes excellent browse. With so much habitat, moose can be scattered at low densities throughout the refuge during the summer. In the fall, moose begin to congregate around the Yukon River valley for shelter and food. Hunters should concentrate their efforts there. Access is via plane, with many charter services available in nearby villages. Hunters have a good chance of encountering a black bear, so having a black bear license is a good idea. Hunters visiting the refuge need to be aware of the existence of private and native lands within and bordering the refuge to avoid trespassing.