Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout Conservation Agreement

The purpose of the conservation strategy is to restore natural spawning and rearing ofELRT, preserve the uniqueness ofthe subspecies, and restore stream habitat. The Conservation Strategy describes the current conditions and threats, prioritizes and describes the specific conservation actions needed to establish a stable, wild-spawning population, describes success criteria for each action, provides a timeline for accomplishing each conservation action, and identifies the roles and responsibilities ofcollaborating agencies for each action. The

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a male and female biologists drag a net through a shallow pond to catch California tiger salamander larvae
The Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office focuses on plant and wildlife conservation in 38 counties spanning California’s Central Valley, San Joaquin Valley, western Sierra Nevada, and Sonoma and Central coastlines. Our large jurisdiction gives us the opportunity to work with diverse partners, and...
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The Ecological Services Program works to restore and protect healthy populations of fish, wildlife, and plants and the environments upon which they depend. Using the best available science, we work with federal, state, Tribal, local, and non-profit stakeholders, as well as private land owners, to...