The Central Flyway’s 2024 Mid-Winter Waterfowl Survey results are shared in this report. It was completed during January 2-16, 2024. Most areas important to waterfowl were covered by aerial or ground survey crews throughout the Central Flyway states with coordinators reporting that 10-100% of important waterfowl habitat was surveyed in 2024. Due to logistical issues, Nebraska was not able to complete the normal aerial portion of their survey so Nebraska data only include ground observations. Overall, conditions for conducting the survey were generally favorable this year with some slight delays due to foggy conditions for some aerial portions of the survey in the northern states.
The total waterfowl count, including coots, for 2024 was 18% higher than in 2023. The total duck count was 16% higher, while the total goose count increased 22% from last year. The 2024 total duck count was 33% below the 2010-2019 average, while the total goose count was 17% above the 10-year average. The mallard count increased by 109% from last year; however, it was 37% below the 2010-2019 average. Counts of dabbling and diving ducks were 23% and 45% higher than in 2023, respectively, while dabbling ducks were 36% below the 2010-2019 average and diving ducks were 29% lower than the average. More specific information for species and populations are provided in the report.