Photography Club Meeting

New members and people of all experiences are welcome to attend Sherburne's Photography Club Meetings. Members share a common interest in nature and photography at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge and nearby natural areas. This is a volunteer-led, member-driven club. The club meets at the Oak Savanna Learning Center to share their latest photos and learn and discuss photography techniques. Kids are welcome with adults. No dues required. Sherburne Photography Club Mission: To provide information, education, inspiration and opportunity for all persons interested in nature photography. To share our passion for nature photography so that others will join us in cherishing and protecting wildlife areas. We will adhere to the ethical practices for nature photographers in addition to the policies of the Sherburne National Wildlife Drive and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Accessibility: Expect a sit down meeting inside the Oak Savanna Learning Center building. Accessible parking spaces are available. Restrooms are located inside and outside the Oak Savanna Learning Center. There will be access to water fountains at the Learning Center. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to these events for all participants. Please direct all requests for accommodation to Refuge Headquarters: 763‐389‐3323,, or TTY 800‐877‐8339 at least two weeks before the event.
Event date and time
Event location name
Oak Savanna Learning Center Parking

Event category

Public Meeting
Age range
All ages
Recreational activities