Incidental Take Beneficial Practices: Communication Towers How to
Steps to reducing bird collisions with towers

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Towers can save maintenance and energy costs by not using L-810 lights on towers taller than 350 ft. above ground level (AGL) and by using programmable LED lighting systems on towers 150-350 ft.

How to Extinguish Tower Side-markers (L-810) on Towers Taller Than 350 ft. AGL

  1. Request a Determination from FAA (typically takes 2-3 weeks for approval)

    File a Marking and Lighting study with the FAA requesting to extinguish non-flashing, side marker lights.
    1. Complete Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration
    2. Under Structure Type enter: “Deviation from Red Obstruction Light Standards.”
    3. When complete, send the form to your FAA contact
    4. Contact Joelle Gehring if you encounter issues with this process or if the FAA doesn’t respond within three weeks.
  2. Update the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    1. Once the FAA approves your request and assigns a new FAA Study Number, update your tower FCC registration using the Antenna Registration System (ASR). Please select “MD – Modification.” The FCC typically approves applications and modifies registrations within 24 hours.

  3. Extinguish non-flashing tower lights
    1. This final and typically easy step doesn’t require tower climbing and results in immediate cost savings.

How to Reprogram Tower Side-markers (L-810) from Non-flashing to Flashing on Towers 150-350 ft. AGL

An LED light system may be necessary to reprogram non-flashing lights to flash, but ultimately LED systems reduce tower lighting costs.

  1. Request a Determination from FAA (typically takes 2-3 weeks for approval)

    If the existing FAA determination was issued under advisory circular 70/7460-1L before September 28, 2016, you can skip steps 1 and 2.
    1. Complete Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration
    2. Under Structure Type enter: “Deviation from Red Obstruction Light Standards.”
    3. When complete, send the form to your FAA contact
    4. Contact Joelle Gehring if you encounter issues with this process or if the FAA doesn’t respond within three weeks.
  2. Update the Federal Communications Commission
    1. Once the FAA approves your request and assigns a new FAA Study Number, update your tower FCC registration using the Antenna Registration System (ASR). Please select “MD – Modification.” The FCC typically approves applications and modifies registrations within 24 hours.
  3. Reprogram non-flashing tower lights to flash
    1. LED lighting systems are easily reprogrammed, low maintenance, and use less energy than incandescent lights. Typically, light manufacturers don’t recommend reprogramming incandescent lighting systems.

Tower owners are saving thousands of birds and thousands of dollars with reduced energy and maintenance costs. Your efforts are worth the reward

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Migratory birds