Fish and Wildlife BiologistAlabama Ecological Services Field OfficeEcological ServicesAddress420 Hackberry Lane, Office #30P.O. Box 86999Tuscaloosa, AL 35486United States(205) 247-3726Send a Message Contact Jennifer GrunewaldFill out the form below to send a message.If you would like a response, please provide your name and email address. If you are a minor, please get your parent’s or guardian’s help to contact us. Your name Your email address? Subject Message CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Send MessageFor more on what we do with information you provide and how we protect your privacy, see our privacy statement.Cancel Species expertiseAlabama Cave Shrimp (Palaemonias alabamae)Slenderclaw Crayfish (Cambarus cracens)Alabama Cavefish (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni)Rush Darter (Etheostoma phytophilum)Slackwater Darter (Etheostoma boschungi)Trispot Darter (Etheostoma trisella)Vermilion Darter (Etheostoma chermocki)Watercress Darter (Etheostoma nuchale)Alabama Heelsplitter (Potamilus inflatus)