About this Collection

This collection of resources was developed to assist with understanding the status of eagle populations and take limits, and facilitating the eagle incidental take permit application process.

Population and Management

Bald Eagle Population Size: 2020 Update

Bald Eagle 2020 Population Report FAQs

Population Demographics/Sustainable Take, 2016

Bald Eagle Take Limits

General Permits


Eagle Permit Eligibility Map for Wind - Image

Eagle Permit Eligibility Map for Wind - Interactive Map

Eagle Permit Eligibility Map for Wind - Downloadable Spatial Layer

*This is not a complete list of eligibility requirements. Be sure to review all general permit eligibility requirements under 50 CFR 22.250(c).

Compensatory Mitigation

General Permit Eagle Mitigation Calculator

Standard Conditions

GP Standard Conditions - WIND ENERGY 

Project Planning

Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines

Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance

Bald Eagle Management Guidelines

Specific Permits

Collision Risk Model - USFWS 2024 EA, Attachment 1 (Page 170)

Collision Risk Model Priors

Compensatory Mitigation

Eagle Resource Equivalency Analyses

Post-Construction Monitoring
Standard Conditions

SP Tier 1 Standard Conditions - Wind Energy Permits

Other Resources

Data Reporting Template SpreadsheeT (EXAMPLE) 

Nest Survey Guidance

Memo Regarding Eagle Nest Survey Guidance

Updated Eagle Nest Survey Protocol

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

2016 Programmatic EIS / Record of Decision

2024 Eagle Rule Final EA / 2024 eagle rule FoNSI

NEPA Documents for Eagle Permits

Apply for a Permit:

General Permit - Eagle Incidental Take - Wind Energy

SPECIFIC Permit - Eagle Incidental Take - Wind Energy

Permits Issued To-Date under 2024 Eagle Rule:

General Permits Issued To-Date

Specific Permits (Available Soon)