Thank You, Veterans
An Open Spaces blog

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After 11 years of putting together the photo gallery Fish and Wildlife Service Thanks Our Veterans, you might think that I’d be used to the short comments some veterans include.  

You’d be wrong. 

Reading quotations from young people who put their personal lives on hold to serve their neighbors, communities, and country still gives me chills. 

Then, after their military career, or sometimes during, they work for the world’s wildlife. 

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is incredibly proud that many military veterans find a second home with us.  

We are lucky, too, because of the strong set of skills and perspectives veterans bring. Using what they learned in the military – and sometimes even well after their service – veterans pursue diverse careers in science, nature, computers, heavy equipment maintenance, engineering, finance, communications, law enforcement, and much more. 

So thank you, veterans, for your military service, public service, and 11 years of chills. 

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