911 NE 11th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
United States
About Kate Watts
Kate began her wildlife conservation career working for state agencies and NGOs focusing on waterfowl management, deer management, shorebird conservation and marine conservation before joining the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2011. She entered the Service through the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) as a Wildlife Biologist at Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex, and continued on to work as a Wildlife Biologist at San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Los Banos, CA. In 2015, she became the Lead Wildlife Biologist at the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Complex, overseeing a Refuge Biology Program that promoted the recovery of 32 federally-listed species and leading the effort to prevent extinction of the key deer during the first outbreak of New World Screwworm seen in the US since the 1960s. Kate joined the Migratory Birds and Habitat Program in Portland, Oregon in 2018. Kate received her Bachelors Degree of Science in Biology from New York University, and her Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology from University of Delaware. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications on subjects ranging from nesting ecology, juvenile survival, population dynamics, hurricane and disease impacts, and novel field techniques. In 2023, Kate started work in her current position as Eagle Coordinator in the Pacific Region’s Migratory Bird Program. As the region’s Raptor Biologist and Eagle Coordinator, Kate's primary job is to work with the public and other stakeholders to find solutions when human interests conflict with raptor conservation. She also assists with the formulation of regional and national policy related to raptors and eagle take permits, and works with partners on raptor research and raptor conservation efforts.