Artist's rendition of completed PGE Harborton Restoration Project (Portland General Electric)
In July 2021 members of the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council signed the Portland General Electric (PGE) Harborton Restoration Project Habitat Development Plan. By signing the plan, the Trustee Council recognizes the Harborton Restoration Project as having “credits” to sell. These credits represent habitat benefits created by the project. Potentially responsible parties may purchase these credits and offer them for consideration to resolve their liability for environmental damages resulting from hazardous releases in the Portland Harbor Superfund site. The Trustee Council may also consider purchasing credits from this project using funds from cash settlements with potentially responsible parties.
The Harborton Restoration Project is located on the Willamette River, near the confluence with Multnomah Channel and within the Portland Harbor Superfund site (Natural Resource Damage Assessment study area). The Harborton Restoration Project is designed to restore, enhance, and preserve approximately 53.4 acres including the following activities:
- Habitat management of existing upland to control invasive plant species and reestablish native vegetation
- Construct a new North Channel to provide fish passage
- Enhance aquatic, riparian, and upland habitat in and near the new North Channel
- Provide seasonally available off-channel habitat
- Preserve existing wetland areas utilized by northern red-legged frogs and other wildlife
- Create new wetland and upland areas near red-legged frog habitat
Construction occurred in 2020, and restoration planting was completed in early 2021. To date, three other restoration projects have been recognized by the Portland Harbor Trustee Council: Alder Creek, Linnton Mill, and Rinearson Natural Area.