Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife

Related Stories

A lake trout with red, circular wounds and a sea lamprey attached, eating its side.
Controlling the invasive sea lamprey population in Lake Champlain benefits the ecosystem and supports recreational fishing.
A Northern long-eared bat between rocks with white like powder on its nose.
There are two things you should know about Carl Herzog: He does not like recognition, and he greatly deserves it.

Partner Category

Our hands-on stewardship and public engagement is often done in conjunction with state and provincial agencies.

Other Partners

Here are just a few of our National Partners. You can view the full list of FWS partners, along with the regions and areas of focus our work together entails.

Partnership Services

Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:

  • Grant opportunities
  • Sponsorship of grants
  • Cooperative Agreements

To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.