Grove Plantation Manor with small kitchen house in background.

Photograpy is one of the more popular activities at E.F.H. ACE Basin NWR, for both amateur and professional photographers alike. Photographers find beautiful natural landscapes, wildlife such as white-tailed deer, alligators, and birds and, historical structures that draw photographers and other visitors year-round. The antebellum period Grove Plantation Manor, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is by far one of the most photographed places in the Lowcountry. 

When staff are at the Manor (the refuge headquarters), visitors can enter the contact station room on the first floor to watch a video of the ACE Basin area and pick up trail maps and materials for the refuge. Otherwise, maps are placed outside the manor house. If the entrance gate is closed to the grounds, parking is outside the gate and visitors can take photos and walk the trails. 

In planning your trip, consider calling the office before traveling to the refuge. Check the local forecast, dress appropriately for the weather, pack snacks and water and, be sure to bring insect repellent.