ELicense will be intermittently unavailable Thursday, January 23st, from 6 PM MT to 10 PM MT. for system maintenance
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Electronic Import/Export License (eLicense) website.
Use this website to request a new commercial import/export license or renew/amend an existing license.
Import/Export Licenses are issued to entities (companies or individuals) before they can commercially import into or export from the United States shipments containing wildlife. This document is separate from any other permit that is issued by FWS, and does not replace the necessity for such documents if your shipment requires them.
Note: An eLicense login account is not an eDecs filer account
I only ship my items within the U.S. or its territories...+
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
Which animals are exempt from I/E License requirements?+
- Certain domesticated animals...
FWS has a specific list of animals we consider to be domesticated. These animals and their products are typically exempt from FWS import/export license regulations. However, if the specimens are obtained from wild populations (example: feral goats or pigs), or otherwise require a permit under 50 CFR 15 (Wild Bird Conservation Act), 16 (Injurious Wildlife), 17 (Endangered Species), 18 (Marine Mammals), 21 (Migratory Bird), 22 (Bald and Golden Eagle), or 23 (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)), then they fall under FWS jurisdiction and all importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife regulations under 50 CFR 14 apply.
Current List found at 50 CFR 14.4
Mammals: Alpaca - Lama alpaca; Camel - Camelus dromedarius; Camel (Boghdi) - Camelus bactrianus; Cat (domestic) - Felis domesticus; NOTE: Does not include exotic cat hybrids Cattle - Bos taurus; Dog (domestic) - Canis familiaris; NOTE: Does not include specimens crossed with wolf Coyote, Fox or any other wild canid European rabbit - Ortyctolagus cuniculus; Ferret (domestic) - Mustela putorius; Goat - Capra hircus; Horse - Equus caballus; Llama - Lama glama; Pig - Sus scrofa; Sheep - Ovis aries; Water buffalo - Bubalus bubalus; White lab mice - Mus musculus; White lab rat - Rattus norvegicus |
Birds: Chicken - Gallus domesticus; Ducks & geese - domesticated varieties; Guinea fowl - Numida meleagris; Peafowl - Pavo cristatus; NOTE: this species is no longer treated as a domesticated species by FWS due to the recent listing on Appendix III of CITES Pigeons (domesticated) - Columba livia domestrica; Turkey - Meleagris gallopavo; Mallards - Domesticated or Barnyard: Pekin; Aylesbury; Bouen; Cayuga; Gray Call; White Call; East Indian; Crested; Swedish; Buff Orpington; Indian Runner; Campbell; Duclair; Merchtem; Termonde; Magpie; Chinese; Khaki Campbell |
Fish (For export purposes only): Carp (koi) - Cyprinus carpio; Goldfish - Carassius auratus |
Insects: Crickets, mealworms, honeybees (not to include Africanized varieties), and similar insects that are routinely farm raised. Other Invertebrates: Earthworms and similar invertebrates that are routinely farm raised. |
- Shellfish and nonliving fishery products that do not require a permit under 16 (Injurious Wildlife), 17 (Endangered Species), or 23 (CITES) for human or animal consumption. (NOTE: Live shellfish imported or exported for grow out or rearing facilities are not considered to be an import or export for human or animal consumption)
- Live farm-raised fish and farm-raised fish eggs that do not require a permit under 16, 17, or 23 (listed above) that meet the definition of "bred in captivity" (50 CFR 17.3)
- Exports of live aquatic invertebrates of Class Pelecypoda that do not require a permit under 16, 17, or 23 (listed above) for the purpose of propagation or research related to propagation
- Pearls - unless they come from or are cultivated using any piece or part of a shellfish protected under CITES (23) or listed as endangered or threatened (17). If your pearls are shipped in the shells, be aware that the outside shell is not exempt
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I ship internationally items for personal use... +
Personal use means use that is for an individual's own consumption or enjoyment and not commercial use.
- Hobbyists are considered commercial
- Personal Pets
- Tourist souvenirs
- Gifts, unless the gift is used to solicit sales of wildlife items
- Personally sport-hunted trophies imported or exported by the hunter
- Fish taken for recreational purposes
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I ship internationally for scientific or educational purposes... +
Wildlife imported or exported for bona fide scientific purposes is typically exempt from FWS import/export license regulations. FWS has specific definitions for scientist and scientific institution (50 CFR 14.4). This includes general public scientific or educational institutions that are maintained and operated as a governmental service or are privately endowed and organized but not operated for profit.
- Museum to museum exchange of accessioned specimens
- Researcher importing specimens for university study
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I ship internationally for exhibition purposes... +
Wildlife imported or exported for non-commercial exhibition purposes with the intent to return to originating country is typically exempt from FWS import/export license regulations.
- Public museum importing a traveling exhibition
- American Indian tribal dance exhibitions
- Orchestras travelling internationally
- Personal pets for 4H, country fairs, etc.
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I ship internationally for my Federal, State, tribal or municipal agency... +
- Agency exporting native bird eggs to another country for re-introduction
- Agency importing insects for disease research
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I am a Customhouse broker, freight forwarder or common carrier... +
Customhouse brokers, freight forwarders and common carriers engaged in business as dispatcher, handler, consolidator or transporter of wildlife or file documents with FWS on behalf of others.
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity. NOTE: You will not be allowed to apply for an eLicense for your client. The FWS Importer/Exporter has to obtain their license (and renewal) themselves and provide your company a copy of the valid license if you are clearing a shipment in their behalf.
I am a foreign supplier shipping to a U.S. importer... +
The FWS Import/Export License is restricted to those entities who are importing into or exporting from the United States or its territories. If a foreign supplier is only shipping FWS regulated items to the United States, it is the U.S. importer’s responsibility to obtain an import/export license if the shipment is for commercial purposes. However, if a foreign supplier is entering the U.S. and carrying FWS regulated items with them into the U.S., then they are the considered the U.S. importer and must be licensed.
- Foreign company ships to individual
- Foreign taxidermist, outfitter or guide ships to hunter
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
No - Go to next section
I am a foreign consignee receiving from a U.S. exporter... +
The FWS Import/Export License is restricted to those entities who are importing into or exporting from the United States or its territories. If a foreign consignee is only receiving FWS regulated items from the United States, it is the U.S. exporter’s responsibility to obtain an import/export license if the shipment is for commercial purposes. However, if a foreign consignee is entering the U.S. and carrying FWS regulated items with them from the U.S., then they are the considered the U.S. exporter and must be licensed.
- Foreign company receives from U.S. company
- Foreign company receives from individual
Yes - No Import/Export License is required for your activity*
I ship internationally for commercial purposes... +
Commercial means related to the offering for sale or resale, purchase, trade, barter, or the actual or intended transfer in the pursuit of gain or profit, of any item of wildlife and includes the use of any wildlife article as an exhibit for the purpose of soliciting sales, without regard to quantity or weight. There is a presumption that eight or more similar unused items are for commercial use. The Service or the importer/exporter/owner may rebut this presumption based upon the particular facts and circumstances of each case. A scientific institution may be required to obtain an Import/Export License if there is commercial activity taking place.
- Hobbyist - killifish/beta club members, cattery
- Circuses
- U.S. taxidermist importing from or exporting to foreign owners requesting their services
- Museum/University/Zoo imports items to sell in gift shop
- Sells vaccines, etc. made from imported wildlife
- Leasing animals or exhibits for display purposes
- Labs doing analysis
- Samples to solicit sales
- State agency buying wildlfe to release into their state
- Foreign company traveling to the U.S. to sell/deliver goods
- Foreign company with a location in the U.S. exporting goods from the U.S.
Yes - Create account and log in to eLicense to complete application*
I am unsure if I fit any of these categories...+
Contact a wildlife inspector at the FWS port closest to you:
USFWS Wildlife Inspection Offices