Featured Species

A colorful red and blue fish underwater looking into the camera

Candy darters are a vibrant freshwater fish, roughly two to three inches long. They are native to freshwater streams in Gauley, Greenbrier, and New River watersheds in Virginia and West Virginia. They have a vital role in these ecosystems by balancing the food web. Since 1932, nearly half of the...

FWS Focus
A rust colored crayfish at the bottom of an aquarium tank

The Big Sandy crayfish is a freshwater crustacean found in streams and rivers in the Appalachian Region of Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia. We have been working with state partners to determine where this dynamic creature is found, and whether it is in danger of extinction. In May 2016...

FWS Focus

The Guyandotte River crayfish (Cambarus veteranus) is a freshwater, tertiary burrowing crustacean of the Cambaridae family. Tertiary burrowing crayfish do not exhibit complex burrowing behavior; instead, they shelter in shallow excavations under loose cobbles and boulders on the stream bottom....

FWS Focus